Safety rules

conteneur msc securite 1

Health and safety is our priority

container icon 1Health and safety standards

Individual protection equipment

Personal protective equipment (PPE) must be worn at all times while on the terminal.

  • Wearing a safety helmet on the terminal
  • Safety shoes/boots
  • Reflective vest
container icon 1RULES

Vehicles and traffic rules :

Safe and careful driving is mandatory on the terminal. Failure to comply with these safety regulations will result in the issuance of written warnings by the Termont Safety Department.

  1. Obey posted speed limits.
  2. Obey road traffic patterns.
  3. Obey all stop signs; come to a complete stop.
  4. Obey pedestrian crossings, a complete stop is required before crossing.
  5. Use the extreme east and west ends of the terminal to turn around.
  6. Do not use a cell phone while driving.
  7. Make sure you have your Hazardous
  8. Materials (TDG) sign in place BEFORE entering the terminal.
  9. Do not lock or unlock your safety pins on your trailer while you are in the yard.
  10. Unlock them before you get to the entrance gate and lock them at the exit gate.
  11. All equipment handling containers in the yard (ferries, front loaders and stackers) has priority at the terminal.
  12. If you can’t find your container in the pre-assigned pile, ask a checker to help you find it.
crane and red container




container icon 1Non-compliance with the rules


Termont reserves the right to remove any driver from its property at any time. These warnings have the following consequences :

  • 1st offense : Written warning.
  • 2nd offense within a 12-month period: Written warning + dispatcher will be informed.
  • 3rd offense within a period of 12 months: Written warning including refusal of access for 1 month.
  • 4th offense within a 12-month period: Refusal of access for 1 year. 
  • 5th offense within a 12 month period: Lifetime ban
container icon 1Contact us !

We create opportunities for maritime transport

Do not hesitate to contact us for any requests regarding the terminal, logistics, costs...

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Security and reliable service

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Real-time tracking system

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